Monday, 26 April 2010

Truth ?

As I stare into this glass object.
I used to cringe.. check out this
ugly person stare outwardly then
in. Inside I am warm, loving and
kind.. but on the outside I have
this appearance of which I am
unsure of. Inside my head I feel,
I think , for I am a child.. I
am, for I have been born. I see
this object, of which should be
of desire? I feel no such thing.
I stare at myself trying to say
the magic words which fall out
of my mouth. Without much
enthusiasm I repeat five times
'I am beautiful' but I feel
nothing. Maybe I am doing it
wrong. So I try again with
meaning 'I am beautiful'x 5.
Is it meant to work like
Oil of Olay, with time will
it iron out the hate for
which I have held for the
past ?? years. Will it dry
my aged tears? I hope so.


Cala Gray said...


YOU are beautiful.. So damn beautiful

Indi said...

Gray ~ *Smile* thank you.. I think.. there for I am beautiful?



Nadege said...

The poetry you write proves you
are beautiful inside and outside -
you are not being way too critical
on yourself - and woman are socialized to be critical of

Try to find the tape: Healing Waters, wonderfully affirming,
by Sister Joy.

Heff said...

I was previously known as an asshole, but you've motivated me to shorten it to just "Ass".

LẌ said...

"Mirror, mirror upon the wall, Who is the fairest of all?"

"Thou, O Indi, art the fairest of all."

Indi said...

Nadege ~ As for the tape .. thank you I will look for it.


Indi said...

Heff ~ You made me wet myself laughing... thank you



Indi said...

xl ~ :)

Thank you, all of you



The Savage said...

Beautiful is an understatement!

Spiky Zora Jones said... are beautiful and HOT as can be.

the person that gets a hold of so lucky.

it's the end of my work day sweets...going home and sending you xxxooo as you slep.

later sweetie. more xxxs

Indi said...

Savy ~ You have left me wih no alternative but to give you a hug.. and a wet kiss... pucker up now..




Indi said...

Spiky ~ HOT eh? must be the hormonal sweats I've been experiencing (not nice) n the mood swings.. they are second to none! Thanks baby doll ;) my new mname right? I like anything you wanna call me toots ;-*. You are hot and we should get together, we could raise the temperature!!

Luv ya



Vi said...

I think we all think this esp as we get older. Every time I look in the mirror, more wrinkles seem to appear. Us women are never happy with our looks lol.

The Invisible Seductress said...

I don't comment enough here...But I always read..And you are VERY beautiful..I needed this today to..Thank You...

Indi said...

Vi ~ Oh yes the famous wrinkles, grey hairs sprouting, although I call the wrinkles'laughter lines' not crows feet although I know a few old crows but won't name them. I guess the only answer is to not look in the mirror.. thanks



Indi said...

The Invisible Seductress ~ Hello again. . . and thank you for dropping by.



Anonymous said...

Oh my Indi,

So beautiful, so passionate, alway there, loving, feeling, being, you are so beautiful, we all love you here, we don't talk to just beautiful people we talk to people who are truly beautiful inside and out. Just like you!!!! This is you!! And don't forget it!

XOXO, Crystal

Indi said...

Crystal ~ It's people like yourself & other members of this blogsphere that get me through my darkness.. I can't thank you enough



Anonymous said...

My friend....anytime..anytime!!!

xo, Crystal

nitebyrd said...

You ARE beautiful. Inside and out.

Indi said...

Crystal ~ I'll keep that in mind, but here's hopin my state of mind will improve in the future, but ya neber know... thanks again ;)



Indi said...

nitebyrd ~ Here is a lady who is and you my dear friend are ALSO. Fom one beautiful woman to another beautiful woman... yay girl guess what? we ROCK. ;)

