Tuesday 18 January 2011

Getting the point.

OK.. last Friday I went for my second appointment for some acupuncture.
The first time I experienced this unusual NHS treatment was just before
Christmas.. I had no idea of what to expect, so went in with an open
mind. I was very surprised in the fact that I never felt the fine
stainless steal needles enter my skin.. nor when they were removed.
Friday however was a whole new ball game. With the added discomfort
of more breast rib ache, I mentioned ( should have kept my mouth
shut). I had to roll my trouser legs up to just above my knees.
This time the room was warmer as the physio had turned the
air con off, due to last time damn nearly freezin to death.
She has a good memory, as do I. I enquired had she had a
good holiday, 'yes' thank you Karen replied.. then went
on to mention how they got stuck in the Spanish air strikes
and sent a couple of days actually at the airport, but
all in all the resort was very nice, weather and food too.
Last week I had in all 12 needles thrust into my skin...
So far so good, Karen's so skilled, she should take up
darts!! The final needles went in on the tops of my feet,
just forward of where my bony bits are ( I don't have fat
feet!) 'THAT HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT' as I let her know in
a high pitch squeal at the point of impact. She laughed
'Oh I forgot to mention this part of the foot can be
quite painful.' Me still squirming and diggin my finger
nails into the couch side... ' Oh really' I answered..
mouth clenched forcing the words out of my mouth.
When the needles are nicely placed just under the flesh,
I am told to be quiet (difficult) close my eyes and
go to sleep..(easy) of which I did.. having been up since
5a.m that morning, sleep was just what I needed. So
what now? I have to have some more treatment ( can't
wait;]!) and after that possibly some more treatment,
they obviously think I haven't got quite enough
puncture marks on me yet, but apparently in this
process at least six doses are necessary to treat
the problem I have. After that I have no idea, I'm
assuming after a all that I will no longer have
pain, and can carry on living a pain free life. I've
just booked my ferry trip to northern Spain in
June so I need to get fit for that.. I am
going to Europe on my motorbike... lots of
fun but hundreds of miles.. hard work if
my ribs still hurt me... but I'm sure I
wont let that spoil my fun....!



What's wrong with your ribs,Indi?

tattytiara said...

I honestly didn't know acupuncture could hurt - I guess I assumed that if it did more people would mention that very salient fact! Well either way, I hope the temporary hurt of the needles makes all your other hurts go away completely.

KittyCat said...

I have been wanting to go get acupuncture done.
but now im thinking maybe not. : (

Indi said...

UBY ~ I have pulled the pulminary muscles inbetween my ribs, well at least I think that's what they're called..apparently you can to it whilst oughing or sneezing, you don't have to be an Olympic weight lifter !!



Indi said...

tattytiara ~ it only hurt on the tops of my feet, apparently that's a sensitive area and having had 5 operations on my left foot I'm guessin shewas either close to or on top of the scars... thanks any way



Indi said...

KittyCat ~ No,,, you go, maybe I'm just a sensitive person when it comes to discomfort, it was just on my feet it cained!!




Boy, I bet that's fun!

The Savage said...

I have ribs that pop out of place.. I often wonder if God is trying to make a new woman and if so why my ribs?

Memphis said...

A motorcycle ride around Europe? That sounds like a BLAST! I envy you. Not the pain and the accupuncture though.

Indi said...

UBY ~ Which part is fun ? the pain or the bike ride round europe? ;))



Indi said...

Savvy ~ OOOOOOW that sounds very unpleasant, so when they 'pop'out, I assume you'pop' them back in? That must be an art in itself ... you had a look for another woman inthere some where? Lol



Indi said...

Memphis Steve... thanks, yeah am really lookin forward to ridin 11 days and covering over 2 thousand miles.. my ass might need accupuncture after that one!! ;/



Don't I Know You? said...

think FS will stick with massage :-)

Indi said...

Don't I know you? ~ Yeah I wish I could depend on that working too... could do with a good massage right now ;)

