Saturday 16 October 2010

Award Time

OK peeps... I feel my heart's
ready for some giving, as I
always find it's much easier
to give than to receive....!
So here I go.. This award is
for some people I've come to
find in this blog sphere as
...well exactly what the
award says... 'Awesome!'
And in complete order....
drum roll please..thrrrr

1. Nitebyrd

2. Sunny

3. Spiky

4. Heff

5. Red Shoes

6. Joanna cake

7. Gray

8. Krippled Warrior

9. Me! I am giving
myself this
'Awesome' award. ;)

I don't have to explain
why I have chosen you..
it's self explanitory
really.. I just have
one thing to say really


The Invisible Seductress said...

congrats to all!!!


KrippledWarrior said...


Indi said...

The Invisible Seductress ~ *smiles*



Indi said...

KP ~ In my wierd and unusual rock! ;)



nitebyrd said...

Hey, girl! If anyone deserves an awesome award, it's you!

Thanks, for giving me an award. Ya know I love you like chocolate!

(Oh! I must have hit the "no comment" button on the spider post. I'm going to blame the huge glass of Sangria I had a dinner! I fixed it.)




I don't mean to be a complete bitch,but I am WAY more awesome than anyone on this list !

No offence to the lesser awesome people,just tryinng to 'keep it real'.


Indi said...

nitebyrd ~ Chocolate eh? Some thing I can't eat.. but I get ya drift hun, ;) and you're very welcome...



Indi said...

UBS ~ UBS my dear old 'UBS' what would the world be without you my friend (anyone readin this don't give her m address!!) You more than anything is worth this award... maybe... er.. yes for sure




Indi said...

UBS ~ *Ahem?* whatchya mean *AHEM*

Indi *smilin*


Spiky Zora Jones said...

I heard Diana Krall sing this her version of this song...'a case of you'

love is touching souls, surely you've touched mine...part of you pours out of me in these lines from time to time

you're in my blood like holy wine...I could drink a case of you, darling.

thank you rock me babe. (((MWUAH))))

Red Shoes said...

Wow... thank you SO much!!!

I'm no where as awesome as the others you have listed there... I'm just a long-haired, leaping gnome... LOLOL

Thank you... I will post this!!!

I hope all is well for you!!!


Indi said...

Spiky ~ I am a giver of all good things... I like to give.. and all that I give is for the important peeps in my life.. you inparticular sweetie pie.. I am holy wine swimmin through this universe.. a case will cost you nothing.. we must meet some day, raise a toast to each other and then drink as much as we can and get totally 'hammered' ;)

Love ya doll



Indi said...

RedShoes ~ You are just as important as the rest of these peeps I give the award too.. never put yourself down.. I look forward to readin your blog.. you rock.



PS gnome? How short are you ;))))

Sunny said...

Indi!! You rock girl!! Thank you and I appologize for being late to this party!!
My laptop is fried and I have so little time online via my moms laptop. When she's feeling nice and wants to let me use it. lol And going online via my phone is like having a crushed glass enema. ugh. ouch. lol

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! And YOU are the awesome one!


Indi said...

Sunny ~ We tend to take these marvellous machines ie; laptops/computers for granted don't we until they go 'tits' up.. .' as you said 'fried.' I like givin people I like (though we have never actually met) awards that A. cheer them up
B. deserve them
C. Belong on your mantle... or os thast a 'grammie?' :)

You are very welcome, now go chat nicely to your mother and maybe she'll let you have more than 5 minutes on her machine..xxoxxx
