Wednesday 8 February 2012


OK so some time I write a load of crap.
I have over the years talked a load of
crap... crap is in the air...
I think these meds are eventually
beginning to work...
For once in my pityful life
I've actually come to realise
it is OK to talk crap now
and again... I don't
actually anymore give a
flying crap...CRAP..CRAP
Got a nice kinda ring
to it don't you
think? Crap Crap Crap
crapity crap. And
this s what I do
alot of these
days is laugh,
laugh at everything
even if it pisses
you off big time, just
fuckin laugh.
:)> Indi
out. HA!


nitebyrd said...

Laughing in the midst of doom is always a good thing! I do it all the time. :)

Indi said...

nitebyrd ~ tonight I was to be picked up after work by my other half (bless him) not knowing at what time that would be, so I started walking.. I did have a lift but explained that when we see our car Vic my friend flashes his head lights and I get out and flag my other half down. He didn't see Vic's headlights!! I walked all the way home laughing all the way as I knew my other half was sitting in the carpark where I work waiting for me.... I laughed as I phoned him, imagining him sitting in our car in the carpark waiting for me... I'm still fuckin laughin!! Laughter is awesome... think next time I will go by bicycle ;)))))))))))))))))))))))


Yes, laughter IS the best medicine!

I am glad to hear you're feeling so much better. Indi.

Waves to nitebryd. :)

Indi said...

UBS ~ Long time no hear doll, how are YOU doing? Yes laughter is good medicine... If you'd have asked me 6 months ago would I spend my life laughing I'd have not laughed at you, ya get mt drift ;)



red.neck chic said...

nicely said!!! i laugh all the time even while thinking, "what the fuck?!" and screaming crap crap crap.


Indi said...

red.neck chic ~ Hey pretty lady. I'm trying to give up swearing, well I've done the smoking bit 17 months now.. quit the booze...6 months ago why not quit fuckin around hahahahahahahahahaha so now when I'm angry I try to say out very loud CRAP ... it's hard work but I'm not one to give up.



Anonymous said...

I laugh sometimes.

Indi said...

Bama Trav ~ Laughter is a marvellous ingredient... I find it good when some one is pissing me off, I just burst out laughing... it really does get their attention

