Well the time has come for us to wake up and smell the coffee.
With another letter from his boss, and a date for another meeting
to discuss his job, our house, his money they haven't paid him..
the time is gettin ever closer to actually take a deep breath and
realise that we may not have a roof over our head for much
longer. We've both lost our appetites. I've got rid of the massive
headache I was carrying around with me last week. I'm sleeping
better but he isn't sleeping much at all. So we are kind of in limbo
right now... not sure what will happen next. The meeting was
originally this coming Thursday but it's now been moved to
this Wednesday as Thursday we're out for the day to celebrate..
like I/we feel like celebrating anything... my 51st Birthday!
We were going to go out on our m'bikes today for a short spin,
my idea was not to right now as he's not sleeping too well, as
you can imagine.. how would you feel if you were about to
not only lose your job but the house that comes with it, your/
our home!! Sick? Angry? Lost? Anxious? Betrayed? Shitty?
But to name but a few words to describe how I feel this
minute. I thought that because his/ our minds weren't on
the now... that riding a m'bike might not be a good thing.
You need to have your heads screwed on for that job, other-
wise you might lose our head/legs/neck/life!!! Our idea was
for him to work at least 3 more years to pay off our debt.
Now we're at that stage where we have to finalise our
finances.... tighten our belts.. he's even asked me should
we need to down load some items, to gain some cash..
would I be prepared to sell my 'Nitebyrd' m'bike? I
said yes but only as a last resort. I don't want to think
that far ahead.... so I'll keep my head up, try to cheer
him up, try to eat some thing and keep smiling, although
I actually feel like smackin his boss until he doesn't
have a heart beat. He's worked for him for almost 44
years. Has about 2 weeks off through accidents that
happened on the farm, he wasn't paid sick pay, his boss
never came to see him, he was only interested in when
he was returning to work (selfish c**t!) So as you can
imagine my hubby is feeling like crap as though
his boss is about to (and I know he will) crap on him.
I won't be moving in a hurry, this is my home, I've
lived here for 29years, he's lived here 44 years.
I want to cry, but I can't, I won't be reduced to
that..... not yet anyway. So roll on Wednesday,
oh yeah and if we go and the so called boss wants
our son out too, then it becomes even more
personal, our son and Daughter live here, they
will have to find other living arrangements, like
they can afford to live anywhere else, but that
will be a welcome wake up call for them, make
them realise at 25 & 26 mummy n daddy can't
clean up after them anymore.. time for them
to wake up and smell the coffee too. I hate
coffee... I much prefer tea!