This photo does not do the tattoo justice. I had it done just over a week ago so it's still in the early stages of going through the 'scab' stage. I had it done by a Young man who at birth was pronounced blind. He had very limited vision. Apparently he used to as a small child cry when people entered the room as he couldn't see them properly. I asked him why doesn't he proclaim himself blind and receive a disability allowance? He would prefer to do tattoos instead, and can earn a very good living in doing so. He is an amazing artist. I have him on my camcorder in action, and yes it didn't hurt at all (honest) I have a good handle on tattoo pain, I actually like tattoo pain. I am saving up for my next two tattoos. Those I shall have done in this country. I have to find a picture that I love as it's there for ever. This tattoo by the way is on my right ankle just above the bony area. I love it... a gift to myself from my beautiful holiday in Manitoba Canada. By the way Dragonfly's eat mosquito's. The Dragonfly's in Manitoba are about 4 inches long, but there isn't enough to keep the mosquito's at bay, I got eaten alive by the little critters! I thanked him and said I'd be cack in two years time.
I have 3 Dragon flies and a lotus flower water garden scene on my lower back. Looks nice Indi!!
So pretty...I want a tattoo...I just never got around to it...Very nice!
The Invisible Seductress ~ 'WOW' we gotta have alook see at your tatt for sure? Thanks
Christiejolu ~ This tattoo makes 8 for me, but the two on my arms will soon be covered up with some thing I like, they were a mistake. The person who designed them was also a huge mistake. ;) Ya get my drift? Thanks
hi babe. dragon fly tattoo. Where do youhave this tattoo honey?
I love low they hover in one place.
later sweets. xx
Nice tits.. errrrr I mean tat.. yeah nice tat... I only have 41
Spiky ~ on the lower bony part of my right ankle. I'm going back to Manitoba in two years time, if the artist is still there I'm going to have some more tatts. Thanks Hun, I also love gow they hover then dart some where else.
Later toots ;)
Savvy ~ I can see I have a few to go yet then? And 'what?' are your tatts about.. any paticular theme?
Indi *thanks-wink*
That's a fabulous tattoo. I love the way it looks raised off your skin. Great story too.
How was your trip? Did you get my Turtles? :)
UBS ~ 'OOPS!' thanks for tattoo, it has shadow, simply quite clever don't ya think. Turtles? I did see a cyotee? *?*
great post! i'm always in the mood for an ink story, we should swap...
the eternal lost ~ swap? Tattoo photos ? That's a great idea.
That's a beautiful tattoo, Indi. What a inspiration it is for you to have the story of the artist and the memory of your Canadian trip!
We have those big giant dragonflies here too and they don't make much of a dent on the mosquito population. LOL
nitebyrd ~ Thank you. Dragon fly was the name also of one of my previous bikes, it's also the password on one of my websites. I thought about setting up a Dragonfly farm and breading them, there was many hundreds of thousands but to the zillions of mosquitos? ;)))) not a cat in hells chance of winning eh? ;)
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